

Tonight was my Easter Vigil. Tonight, I became a Catholic in front of a few hundred at St. Joseph in Conway.

The experience was so moving. So vivid and humbling, that everyone came to see the handful of us join the church. That support is moving in so many ways.

The support of so many that I've met through Lino's Show, helping Fr. Jim at Montclair State University, and on the Catholic Guy Show blog also means a great deal to me. Standing up in front of everyone, grinning ear to ear, I felt truly blessed.

Thank you to The Church for welcoming me home. I'll do my best to not let you and the Saviour down.


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    About This Blog

    A blog for the masses, if by masses you mean myself and family members who probably read this out of pity.

    I'm dustin Faber, the 16-bit Catholic. This blog is an amusing, sometimes thought-provoking look at my life and the world around me. Poetry, cooking recipes, gaming, faith, things that make me go awww, things that make me go grrr, and my obsession with a good glass of root beer can be found here.

    If you're looking for gaming-centered posts, check out catholicvideogamers.blogspot.com. If you seek the blog I keep with my fiance, check out thecatholiclovebirds.blogspot.com

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