
Jars of Clay set list

Here's the set list from the Jars of Clay concert on Sunday. More thoughts on the show later on tonight.

If for some reason I've got a song wrong, message me and let me know! More pics at http://tinyurl.com/cla5lz

1. Long road Home
2. Lay Your Weapons Down
3. Work
4. Heaven
5. Closer
6. Safe to Land
7. I Need You
8. God Will Lift Up Your Head
9. Boys (Lesson One)
10. Frail
11. Flood (rock version, non-acoustic)
12. Love is the Protest
13. Dead Man (Carry Me)
14. (Was not able to get this one. Didn't sound familiar)
15. Hero
16. Don't Stop
17. Love Song For A Savior
18. Two hands
19. Liquid

Flood was fitting due to the rain. Nice mix of the old stuff and the new, and I'm so glad they came out and played Love Song For A Savior. It was never one of my favorite songs, but hearing it life gave me a new perspective. And hearing Work live will live on as one of my greatest memories. Thank you so much Jars of Clay!


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