
Enjoying my lunchbox

Good to be back! Actually, I've been working a lot of overtime. Last week I did an 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. shift each day. So I've been a little busy, as that schedule leaves me about enough time to come home, grab something to eat, and go to bed.

Wash, rinse and repeat.

However, I have found the time to sneak in a little gaming here and there. Lately though it's my Gamecube that's been getting a work out.  The N64 hasn't been plugged in since Halloween. The Genesis got some play last night for the first time in a few weeks (my fiancĂ©e I expressed our love for each other by killing each other in Mortal Kombat II last night). But mostly I've been wearing down the buttons on the Cube (my favorite controller of all time).

Due to financial concerns a few years ago, I had to choose whether to sell my original Xbox or the Gamecube. Chose the X-box because I really enjoyed Zelda: The Wind Waker, and I'm thankful for making that decision. Nothing against Microsoft, but the black lunchbox has been good to me for nine years.

And since gamecube games are running really cheap nowadays (most of the time I can get them for $10), it's an inexpensive way to enjoy games I might have missed the first time around. With a marriage on its way, running out and throwing down $60 on a new game doesn't seem like an opportunity that will present itself very often. Perhaps I'm being too cautious, but $60 is gas in the car for 2-3 weeks.

With that said, are there any recommendations anyone has on Gamecube games? Price isn't too much of a concern: $30 is the most I've seen for a cube title. Fire away.


Scott January 17, 2011 at 1:10 PM  

My kids would say MarioKart DoubleDash is their favorite on the GameCube. The many MarioParty iterations also got a lot of play.
In addition, if you're really looking for a cheap set of games for the 'Cube, get the GameBoy Player which lets you play Gameboy Advance games (actually I think just about anything prior to the DS) on The Big Screen. It was the GameBoy Player that originally motivated us to buy the 'Cube in the first place. It was our gateway drug into the world of Nintendo.

dustin (The 16-bit Catholic) January 17, 2011 at 6:24 PM  

I did neglect to mention that my fiancee actually got me a Gameboy player this Christmas. You are right, it is amazing to play those games on the big screen. I just wish that it would allow you to play in monochrome.

Will definitely check out DoubleDash. Does the tag-team aspect seem gimmicky?

Scott January 18, 2011 at 8:19 PM  

When you're playing at 150cc and mirror modes (the highest levels), it's nice to have a 'wing man' (sorry, but Top Gun is the analogy I think of) who focuses on the weaponry while you focus on some great driving.

Many years ago my wife, far from a techie, completed 1st place every grand prix level of MarioKart DoubleDash with my #2 daughter as her wingman. It can be hard enough driving at advanced levels but thinking about which direction to aim your weapon and timing the release complicates it more. Having someone else handle that aspect lets you focus on kick butt driving and quickly move up in rank.

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    A blog for the masses, if by masses you mean myself and family members who probably read this out of pity.

    I'm dustin Faber, the 16-bit Catholic. This blog is an amusing, sometimes thought-provoking look at my life and the world around me. Poetry, cooking recipes, gaming, faith, things that make me go awww, things that make me go grrr, and my obsession with a good glass of root beer can be found here.

    If you're looking for gaming-centered posts, check out catholicvideogamers.blogspot.com. If you seek the blog I keep with my fiance, check out thecatholiclovebirds.blogspot.com

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